Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

EVERYONE !!~~~!!!! ^0^


Rabu, 22 Desember 2010


jingle bell,,jingle bell,,jingle all the way !~!

3 days to goo CHRISTMASSS !~!!
myb this is not the happiest christmas i ever had..
but im still happy cz it's CHRISTMAS...
must be happy..
i hope no sadness in CHRISTMAS day..
even there still something to be done..
there must be a lot of wishes going to heaven..
a lot of wishes that must be done by Him..
include mine..
many days before this i hv that naive girl's hope..
but now i realize the reality n i've bcome a realistic girl..
i know that naive girl's hope is impossible..
so i've change my hope..
for this CHRISTMAS i just hope that my relationship with him will be in the right way n he'll be okay with everything he does..
i hope to get his happiness which is myb  not with me..
i hope nothing bad happen to him..
i hope he's gonna be okay without me..
i hope he's gonna find other girl to be his true love,,can accompany him,,can make him better,,not make him suffer like me,,n their relationship wont hv any prblms frm their parents like us..
i hope i'll be a better person with maturer thought frm now..
i hope i can find other good guy to be my true love..
i hope after this CHRISTMAS everything gonna be better for everybody,,for every people..
so much wishes here..
thats just frm me..
cant imagine how busy He is to take care for our wishes..
but i know He's the best of the best who gonna do the best for me..
praise u God..^^

NB: this love will last forever for u even we're not gonna be together, my pooh..n even im with the new one after this..

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

parents oh parents..

parents not always right..they just hv more experience than us but thats not always allowed in every way..n the bad thing is that we hv to obey them cz they're our parents..

why we r all distinguish by races ??
this is so bad frm us..
i nvr feeling bad abt races..
old people did..
i think we r all the same..
u want to fall in love with people frm other races thats not a problem for me..
the important thing here is that he/she r a good people n worthed to be loved..
the important thing here is just the people..
not abt his/her fam or races..
thats just a small thoughts frm old people..
n im totally disagree with that..
thats not the race makes u good or not..
thats only u..
u're good people or not..
idk if this is a great love that worthed to be fought for or not..
im just a young woman who still dont know what love really is..
n myb dont know abt the reality of this life..
all i know is that i love him,,in the case that i dont want anything bad happen to him..
n now when parents dont agree with our relationship,,what should i do ??
i dont want to lose him,,honestly..
really confused now..
what should i do God ??
keep this relationship like this will make him suffer more than me,,i know..
am i selfish ???
really2 dont know what best for me to do right now..
bless me God..

by a crying winnie the pooh

sometimes parents just complicate the simple things..

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

woman can choose..

 "woman cant choose who's gonna be her couple,,she just can be chosen"

do u all understand abt that statement ??
this statement come frm my girl friend..
this statement means that a girl cant choose who'll be her boyfriend..
she just can wait to be chosen n just say yes if she like n no if she dont like him..
it means a girl is passive,,a boy is active..
i've been thinking abt this statement..
how u think ??
and thennnnn......i thinkkk.....
disagree with that statement..
i think thats an old thought..
it's like 'a man always in a higher place than a woman' thought..
n i always disagree with that statement..
a girl can choose who'll be her boyfriend..
they just need to be open minded n more clever to not fooled by those boys..
what makes a girl cant be trusted to choose cz most of girl is so naive, unadorned, n dont hv enough experience..
as i girl,,i can say that we hv the freedom to choose just like those boys have..

by winnie the pooh who wants a freedom

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

THE REPORT - againnn..

myb u gonna be bored with this topic..
me too..
but this report not make me satisfied..
dont know laa..
it still good..
no red mark at least..
but i think the result can be more than that..
but im just gonna thank you to my God..
even im not satisfied with the result,,im still gonna thank Him most..
im satisfied enough after looking my first grade report..
yahhh myb this is all i can do..
i promise u God that i'll do better n better in the next semester..
i'll do my best for U n just for U..
nothing will inhibit my promise for U..
guide me God..

by a hoping winnie the pooh ^^

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Reset - Charice

My pulse is getting fast
My heart is gonna crash
Hey, I got something to say to you
We've been on overdrive
Maybe we should take some time...apart

I'm always on the road and putting on a show
I know you're really trying to keep up with me
Baby, we're compatible
But you must be sick of all the bull- I pull...on you

Now, I'm having second thoughts about us
I think I like it like it was
I know I shut the system down
But now I wanna bring it back up

We need a reset, don't wanna regret
Not making it up with you
You and I are fading from the screen
Can we prevent a freeze?
We're losing power, and we're spinning down
Suddenly back up... dedicated now
We crashed, but we can turn it
Around and around and around
After a reset

'Ey start it up again yeah oh
Start it up, yeah

I'm tired of the nights without you by my side
We only seem to text and e-mail
So you come on the road
Maybe we don't have to fall... apart
It's working for a while
But I see through your smile
This isn't the life you signed up for
You tell me it'll be okay
As you board a different plane back to where you were

Now, are you having second thoughts about us
I know that I'm still in love
I know I shut the system down
But don't you wanna bring it back up?


Hey hey! Pakinggan mo naman ako (please listen to me)
Hey hey! I think this is the way na dapat gawin (the way it should be done)
Reset! Sana naman ika'y sang-ayon din (I hope you also agree)
To all the things that I'm gonna say
I wish ika'y pumayag din (hope you will agree)
Mag-aagree ka ba? (will you agree?)
If I tell you that -
Magsimula tayo para tayo'y sobrang happy na (let's start over again, so we can really be happy)
We should reset all this
Ibalik ang nakaraan (let's turn back the clock)

Start it up
Start it up
Oh baby
Start it up again
Start it up


Fading from the screen
Can we prevent a freeze?
We're losing power, and we're spinning down
Suddenly back up... dedicated now
We crashed but we can turn it
Around and around and around
After a reset

Not making up with you
You and I are fading from the screen
Can we prevent a freeze?
We're losing power, and we're spinning down
Suddenly back up, dedicated now
We crashed but we can turn it
Around and around and around
After a reset

Start it up again
Start it up
Start it up

Don't want to fall apart again~

NB: i love u more than u know i ever was and said, my pooh

ordinary - unordinary

i got in an unordinary part of my life..
dont like to be in this part of life..
sometimes i think that i want to go back to my ordinary life before this..
this part of my life is so complicated..
so many feelings to take care..
so many feelings to consider..
so many things to do in 'parents rule'..
so tired to thinking that all..
remember abt my past when im just a girl without many things to think..
remember how bored i am in my ordinary life..
remember how i stuck in my monotonous life..
idk which is better for me..
i miss my ordinary life when im in my unordinary life..
n im sure that i'll miss this kind of unordinary part of my life when im stuck in my ordinary life..
why we as a human never satisfied with one thing ??
this is troublesome for me..

by a stressed winnie the pooh :((

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

Pray - Justin Bieber

Ohh Ohh Ohh .. and I pray
I just cant sleep tonight
Knowing that things ain’t right
Its in the papers, its on the tv, its everywhere that I go
Children are crying
Soldiers are dying
Some people don’t have a home
But I know there’s sunshine behind that rain
I know there’s good times behind that pain, hey
Can you tell me how I can make a change
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray

I lose my appetite, knowing kids starve tonight
Am I a sinner, cause my dinner is still on my plate
Ooo I got a vision, to make a difference
And its starting today

Cause I know there’s sunshine behind that rain
I know there’s good times behind that pain, hey

Haven’t tell me how I can make a change
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray

For the broken-hearted
I pray for the life not started
I pray for all the ones not breathing
I pray for all the souls in need.
I pray. 
Can you give em one today.
I just cant sleep tonight
Can someone tell how to make a change?
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and I pray
I pray …
I close my eyes and pray

This is the best one frm Justin Bieber..
in his new album which contains his top song in accoustic theme..
this song is the best frm him 'till now with deep meaning..
different frm his song before this.. 

Senin, 29 November 2010


a relationship btween a boy n a girl is based on 'need each other' thing..
also 'love each other' thing..
when love n needed feels frm one side is gone..
the first thing we can do is try to find out why they're gone..
try to fix it..
try the best u can try..
do the best u can do to save ur relationship..
how if everything u did isnt working ???
i think thats the sign that myb he/she's not for u..
i think if love is gone the relationship is dead..
if u think abt split frm each other thats not wrong in all..
noone's wrong..
u're not wrong,,he/she's not wrong too..
noone's know how a relationship will ends..
happy ending or sad ending..
the important thing is that u r not plan that split or loss of love to be happened..
myb it'll hard on the beginning..
but over time u'll accustomed to the situation..
stop feeling guilty cz it'll just make u sad sad n sad..
separation is not easy..
but in every meeting there must be separation..

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010


this is the latest book i read..
the title is kinda funny for me..
but trust me..
the story will make u fall in love..
fall in love with the life of Patch Cipriano and Nora Grey..
this book is really2 recommended frm me..
so enjoy the book..
:D :D :D

Minggu, 12 September 2010

love urself..^^

do u ever feel like u're not physically good than others ??
this case usually happens to girls..
myb u think 'im fat, she's thinner than me'..
myb u think 'im ugly, she's more beautiful than me'..
myb u think 'im short, she's taller than me'..
myb u think THEY r better than u..
thats normal..
i ever like that too..
but i think all that things :: fat, ugly, short or anything else r RELATIVE..
as long as thats all not too severe i always said thats all r RELATIVE..
trust me~~
when u feel u're fat,,there must be someone out there who said 'at least u're thinner than me'..
when u feel u're ugly,,there must be someone out there who said 'u're beautiful in different ways'..
when u feel u're too short,,there must be someone out there who said 'it doesnt really matters'..
remember to be grateful with all we've got..
remind urself that there r still more people worse than u..
it always powerful to comfort me..^^
but dont be satisfied too easily with ur condition..
change to a better one of u is a good one too..
the important thing here is love n take care of urself..
dont let ur body damaged just bcz ur stray thoughts..

Jumat, 03 September 2010


good friend is like a star,,u dont always see them but u know they r there.. beautiful friendship is if we could cherish every differences btween us..
why get many enemies if we could hav a lot of friends ??
for me,,if u hv any enemy or people u hate,,it's just cz the difference btween both of u..
it's not always the fault of one side..
it's not always abt someone who has bad attitude..
sometimes when we dislike people,, it's just abt we hv a different character..
why i can say this ??
cz i ever in this kind of case..
im always placed btween 2 people that dislike each other..
im always like the neutral part there..
i always remind myself that it's not a must that we should hate people whom ur friend hate..
friendship is abt how we understand each other..
friendship is abt how we accept each other truly frm heart..
it's just like the 'relationship' btween a man and a woman..
or even deeper than that..
looking for a best bestfriend just as hard as looking for ur soul mate..
so when u find it,,dont let it go easily..
cz a best bestfriend is just hard to find..
n myb just 1 in the world..

 xoxo winidepu :D

Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010


'i dont care with people who dont care with me'
this quote come frm my friend..
first time i heard this,, i dont feel like there's anyting wrong..
but after thinking abt it again,,i hv my own thought..
for me,, 'care' is a sensitive word..
i know how is life without 'care'..
i ever in it..
and, trust me, it sucks..
everything gonna need a start..
everything gonna need a forerunner..
and the rest will flow as easy as u want..
that quote isnt wrong at all..
but let's think like this..
if it isnt u who start to care abt others, who else ??
we can change the world even with small action..
myb they r just cant show their 'care' overtly..
although they actually 'care' at heart..
u just need to understand what inside..
show it..
and they who cant show their 'care' at first will follow eventually..

the relationship..

anyone of u hv  a girlfriend or boyfriend ??
im sure there r a lot of u..
this is for all of u who hv a gf or bf right now u read this entry..
why u made this boy or girl as ur gf or bf ?
love ??
cherish ??
care ??
or combination of all ?
how if that all gone ?
what u can do ?
break up ?
actually it's up to u..
one important thing that u must concern is u and ur couple's feeling..
myb there so much thing to think if u wanna do sumthing like break up if i can say..
like parents, friends or myb other's feeling..
there so much kind of cases..
dont think too much abt that..
let's think just abt what u both feels first..
thinking abt other's thing or other people besides ur feeling can be bad for urself..
get advice frm others r good..
but some advice just cant used directly like what it said..
cz other people doesnt know what EXACTLY happen between both of u..
even it's ur parents or ur best bestfriend..
who EXACTLY know what happen inside ur heart is U..
ask ur deepest heart..
take other's advice as ur addition thoughts..
n get the best decision for u n ur couple first..
then u can think abt other people around ur relationship..
this isnt abt ego..
this is just abt 'after u keep ur feeling good,,u can keep other's better' thing..

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

exhausted.. start this entry,,i just wanna say "fuahhh~"..
..being a 12th grade student is so tiring..
..tests r like a flood..
..more than every grade i've passed..
..especially for science class..
..n one more thing that make it more tiring..
UNIVERSITY !! what happened last week..
..truly,,last week was a relaxing week..
..just a lil time study n free for the rest..
..but the weird thing was i still feel tired.. fren agree with me abt this..
..then we know what make us tired that week.. was bcz of  their so much university..
..a lot of us still confused abt where to go..,,all the people come to our class made us more confuse..
..ah all that crap..
..makes me dizzy..
..that also make me forget abt my blog for awhile..
..feels like so long time..
..the hard time in 12th grade still not reach the end.. still in the middle of it..
..still need any hardwork, any effort, any thoughts..
..but i think what i really need now is SPIRIT..
..keep SPIRIT in everything u do guyz (!!)..

xoxo winidepu

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

need privacy..

my life in my house is like an actress with papparazzi always around..
no privacy..
no privacy on everything i do..
no privacy on my things..
i hv to find my own way to create my own privacy..
even in hard way..
but sumtimes it makes me dizzy..
too many things i've to do to find privacy for myself..
i know myb im not mature enough to handle all kind of things..
but as a human im still hv sumthing that i dont wanna share even with FAMILY, rite ??
i need, at least, a little privacy with no hard effort.. 
i need, at least, a freedom to keep or do something just for myself with noone knows.. 
but in m house,,it's hard to find my own privacy..
my sis have IT easily..
my parents have IT easily..
me ??
better dont ask..
dont u all agree that i need, even just a little, PRIVACY ????
i agree (!!)

by winidepu ^^

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

alone lonely..

do you ever feel like when u in the crowd with people u knows but u still feel so lonely ?? ..
if u ever feel like that dont be frustrated..
the one who feels like that not only u..
so u're NOT WEIRD..
u're NOT FREAK..
that's normal..
sometimes that feeling will come..
idk where's the prblm come frm ..
frm the people out there..
or frm ourself..
but we must realize something..
that we're not alone..
and i hv faith in that..
u shud hv it too..

xoxo winidepu ^^

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

ghost girl

ghost girl - homecoming is the last book i read..
take a look guyz..
i like this two books..
the story's not too corny or cheesy..
and sweet in the end..
it recommended frm me..

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

true love for urself..

..hey guyz..
..people of planet Mars especially..
..what kind of girl that u would like as ur girlfriend, usually ?? ..
..most of my friend like a really cute girl..
..someone that so naive even childish..
..naive girl is like the most wanted girlfriend for them..
..if its not a naive girl,,that can be a girly-girl..
..thats juz my thought,,but is that true ?? ..
..i dont have much experience in this kind of things.. not that kind of girl i mention above.. NOT that naive.. NOT a girly-girl.. NOT that childish too.. there someone who'll like me ?? ..
..i have faith..
..a faith in true love..
..true love that will accept any weakness without exception..
..true love that will accept me for who i really am..
..that man will come into my life and make my life more worth it..
..if u still dont get it until now,,dont be desperate..
..i believe that there's someone out there who's still waiting for our presence..
..there's still one for each of us..
..its juz problem of time..
..and how we give effort to find our true love..
..i will find it,,so do you..
rite ??

jane a.k.a winidepu

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

signature analyzer ?? this few days theres educational exhibition..
..theres 2 big exhibition frm UKP n UBAYA..'s UBAYA's turned..
..many kind of faculties there..
..between all that faculties psychology faculty is the most crowded booth..
..idk what so interesting abt that faculty that makes that booth so crowded.. n my friend r so curious abt that.. we got through the crowd n understand why it happen suddenly..
..theres a woman at that booth who can analyze a person frm their signature..
..everyone wanna try.. either..
..after queue in some minute i got my turn..
..i sign, she analyze..
..and she said,"have u ever think that ur childhood is ur happy time ??".. a second i think im gonna say "yes"..
..but the fact is,,im just say "mm..not too bad"..
..she thinking again and said,"u still wanna have fun, u still love do something fun n dislike a complicated thing".. just nodding n nodding cz thats all TRUE..
..we must have fun with all we did, rite ?? ..
..without fun all we did will be so boring n feels so difficult..
..she said again,"but thats all must be minimalized cz ur age is old enough n u cant just have fun, give effort in everything u do especially in this university life"..
..i got it..
..this life is not all filled with "have fun"..
..sumtimes we gonna face some serious problems that cant be solved instantly..
..we must put so much efforts in that before it solved..
..but after all having fun is still needed..
..that's a basic need..
LOL fun fun..
..have fun people so u're not gonna be frustated..

xoxo winidepu

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010


..plz dont be bored abt this topic ok..'s my life now..
:D :D have been better for me in this class now..
..the people, the situation, but not the schedule..
..the school start earlier, and end longer..
..they promise us to be free in saturday..
..but, no..
..we're still in school in saturday..
..they call it character building.. that sounds important ?? ..
..idk abt urs, at least it's a BIG NO for me..
..we need rest after that all tiring school rite ?? ..
..what the hell ?! ..
..but it's okay..
..the important thing r relax and stay away frm problems..
..ok guyz..
..thats all frm me tonite..
and byee~


Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

still the new class..

..u know guyz,,it's already 2 days i've been in this class..
..for the first time i think this class gonna be great.. i see the people..
..but for now i dont think so..
..i become so quiet in this class !! ..
..this is so not me..
hmm's like dejavu..
..dejavu with my 7th grade..
..u know,,my 7th grade SUCKS !! ..
..but i've change n hv so much great years until now.. i can think i can consider this year will be great too rite ?? ..
..i mean,,auw c'mon,,this is my last year in high school people..
..i MUST hv fun..
..I MUST..
..anw,,idk why i remember abt my note on my facebook acc while i write this entry..
..i'll post it here..

Perasaan paling menyakitkan adalah perasaan terabaikan, tak diinginkan, tak dianggap, tak dicintai..
Seakan-akan kau tak pernah ada dan tidak pernah hidup di dunia ini..
Setiap orang ingin dianggap..
Setiap orang ingin dicintai..
Setiap orang ingin mempunyai seorang teman..
Tidak ada orang yang tidak menginginkan teman..
Mempunyai seorang teman saja sudah membuat seseorang yakin bahwa dia memang layak hidup..
Meskipun setiap orang sebenarnya pasti pantas hidup..
Tapi terkadang perasaan terabaikan, tak diinginkan, tak dianggap, dan tak dicintai itu semua datang dari dalam diri kita sendiri..
Membuat kita semakin terpuruk dalam jurang kesendirian..
Masih merasa tidak punya teman sampai sekarang??
Carilah sendiri..
Berusahalah untuk membuka kesempatan untuk dirimu sendiri..
Karena . . tidak ada cukup banyak orang yang cukup peduli untuk mengerti atau, minimal, menyadari bahwa kita ada..
Kita harus berusaha untuk diri kita sendiri..
Jangan selalu mengandalkan atau menyalahkan orang lain..

Karena di luar sana tidak selalu ada cukup banyak orang untuk peduli . .

..i'll keep it in Indonesian language.. bone idle to translate it..
..n i think it looks better in Indonesian..
..if u dont understand it u can ask me..
..i'll translate it for u..
..psst,,this note related to my previous entry..
:D :D


Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

new class..

..hey guyz.. new class today..
..u know,,my class is so respectively since im in JHS..
..VII-4, VIII-3, IX-2..
..X-5, XIA4, XIIA3..
..see ?? ..
..weird but cool i think..
..back to the topic,,NEW CLASS..
..the first i see the name list of my class,,i think i know many people than i think i would..
..i think it would be good for me..
..i still think like that till now..
..u know,,when u keep silent at the first time in a new class,,it's just a common syndrome.. class syndrome..
LOL syndrome i think.. the time goes by u will enjoy the class..
..while myb not so enjoyable as u think at the first time but it'll better.. me..
..i prove it already.. im not that kind of 'it' girl at my school,,i think u can take my word as a common opinion..
..rite ?? ..
..just to tell u all..
..this morning i got a little shock therapy.. class syndrome ??..
NO NO NO's just my old bestfriend *if i can tell she's my bestfriend, surely*..
..i cant tell u the story here cz it can make this entry too long to see..
..but i just want to tell u that frm that friend i found one new fact abt her..
..she's so kind,truly,many of my friends said that already n me too..
..but today i realize that she's not too care to her friend who's not too close to her..
..if i can assess her kindness and her care to others *just in my case* i'll give her 8 for kindness n 0 for her care, especially..
..u know,,i dont know that this kind of people are exist before..
..but it's okay for me..
..she's not my only friend..
..i still hv tons..
..dont hv to be sad for someone that i assume as my bestfriend but not assume me as her bestfriend rite ?? ..
..i deserve the better one :)) ..
..u too guyz..
..choose the best for urself cz myb there r not so much people who really care for ur best.. fight for urself,,dont be so sloppy..
..u deserve the best :D :D ..

NB: it's like im using 'LOL', 'rite', 'u know' words too much..
LOL again..i need to have more,,let me ok ??
:D :D


Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

U.N.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y year i have to attend in university..'s a must..
..i dont wanna be late to get in university.. i have to think abt what faculty i want..
..confused abt that..
..the first thing come into my mind is film..
..everything abt film.. making, editing, production..
..n based on my friend opinion which i agreed,,it's no used to study film in Indonesia..
..u all know that Indonesian film still cant compete with america's or hollywood's..
..if i cant say bad..
..especially in the special effect things which i really want the most if im study film..
..the best if i can study in america..
..still based on my friend opinion,,if i cant study in america or somewhere around,,singapore n malaysia still good..
..but study abroad is not that easy for me..
..the fee, the appliances..
..idk,,so confused @@~ ..
..i dont know the best university to study too..
..i think its gonna be hard.. i have the substitution for that film faculty..
..i think abt hospitality..
..or myb business..
..i can get that 2 faculties in Indonesia..
..but im still obsessed with film study.. there anyone know abt university for film study in malaysia or singapore ?? ..
..tell me if u know..
..i'll be so thank u to u..

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010


..after that great time at trawas i have other things waiting for me.. friday i'll going to school AGAIN.. the third grade student..
..i dont know i hv to be happy or sad..
..happy cz i'll meet my friends again..
..i'll meet some new classmates..
..what a nervous me :)) ..
..sad when i imagine the assignments, tests, works that wil come,, what a busy day it will be..
..fiuh~.. tired just thinking abt that..
..else, we still must have additional class after end of school ==a ..
..what a pity.. ?? ..
..what u think guyz ? ..
..happy or sad ?? ..
..whatever it is,, i must do it, rite ?? ..
..thats just life..
..whats so hard abt that ?? :D ..
..u must wish me luck people..


Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

trawas 16 - 18 juni at Sipit's villa

.i forgot to tell u all that me n my classmate, XIA4, going to trawas for sumthing like farewell for us.. i'll tell u abt our short trip to trawas..
..we stayed at Sipit a.k.a Lupita's villa..

..there were 15 of us..
..some of my classmate cant join this but we still happy here.. tell u,,there r jacuzzi, swimming pool, billiard, etc that mostly being our 'playground'..
..from the first time we came to Sipit's villa we take so much photo even we're still not complete cz 6 of us came in the evening..
..taking photo at jacuzzi made our shorts wet n the temptation to make others more wet make we, finally, swim at that moment.. the evening, the rest of us came n we were complete..
..when dinner,,we realize that our prefect, Kevin Stefano a.k.a KS eat sooo sooo much.. me,,it's SOOO SOOOO MUCH..
..the second place taken by Melinda Soewandi a.k.a Melon..
..she eat as much as KS..
..the next day,,Hans woke up first, 5.00 pm, he said..
..Jermia Junior a.k.a JJ next, then Christina Fanny a.k.a C Fanny, then me n Helen..
..then 4 of WC crews woke up n make some sounds with playing billiard n make the rest of us woke up..
..time really run so fast there..
..we plan to take a walk after breakfast, so some of us not take a bath, but that plan never practicable..
..take a walk substituted with swimming..
..Dhian, Albert a.k.a Beret, Hans, n Eben not come with us..
..initially,,Andi dont want to coming too..
..but we force him..
..he doesnt want the soft way so JJ did the hard way with lift Andi n jump in the swimming pool..
..thats how our trip become so funny.. nite,, we order satay for dinner..
..again n again,,KS n Melon eat SOOOO SOOO MUCH..
..then we played fireworks..
..Sipit so excited with this firework things..
..we take a pic, make 'A4'-fireworks, n skyrocket-ing with so many formations..
..this kinda fun..

..Andre a.k.a Susuk, KS, Suhartono a.k.a Sutek stayed at girl's room till late nite..
..then here comes the last day..
..n we home safely.. not sad cz we separated but im happy cz we ever met.. we can hv this beautiful memories together.. really hving fun with u all guyz..
..thanks for all these moments..
..thanks for all these memories..
..thanks for all.. not gonna forget u guyz..
..we are separated but i hope our friendship still there n nvr die..
..i love u all guyz..