Rabu, 22 Desember 2010


jingle bell,,jingle bell,,jingle all the way !~!

3 days to goo CHRISTMASSS !~!!
myb this is not the happiest christmas i ever had..
but im still happy cz it's CHRISTMAS...
must be happy..
i hope no sadness in CHRISTMAS day..
even there still something to be done..
there must be a lot of wishes going to heaven..
a lot of wishes that must be done by Him..
include mine..
many days before this i hv that naive girl's hope..
but now i realize the reality n i've bcome a realistic girl..
i know that naive girl's hope is impossible..
so i've change my hope..
for this CHRISTMAS i just hope that my relationship with him will be in the right way n he'll be okay with everything he does..
i hope to get his happiness which is myb  not with me..
i hope nothing bad happen to him..
i hope he's gonna be okay without me..
i hope he's gonna find other girl to be his true love,,can accompany him,,can make him better,,not make him suffer like me,,n their relationship wont hv any prblms frm their parents like us..
i hope i'll be a better person with maturer thought frm now..
i hope i can find other good guy to be my true love..
i hope after this CHRISTMAS everything gonna be better for everybody,,for every people..
so much wishes here..
thats just frm me..
cant imagine how busy He is to take care for our wishes..
but i know He's the best of the best who gonna do the best for me..
praise u God..^^

NB: this love will last forever for u even we're not gonna be together, my pooh..n even im with the new one after this..

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