Senin, 20 Desember 2010

parents oh parents..

parents not always right..they just hv more experience than us but thats not always allowed in every way..n the bad thing is that we hv to obey them cz they're our parents..

why we r all distinguish by races ??
this is so bad frm us..
i nvr feeling bad abt races..
old people did..
i think we r all the same..
u want to fall in love with people frm other races thats not a problem for me..
the important thing here is that he/she r a good people n worthed to be loved..
the important thing here is just the people..
not abt his/her fam or races..
thats just a small thoughts frm old people..
n im totally disagree with that..
thats not the race makes u good or not..
thats only u..
u're good people or not..
idk if this is a great love that worthed to be fought for or not..
im just a young woman who still dont know what love really is..
n myb dont know abt the reality of this life..
all i know is that i love him,,in the case that i dont want anything bad happen to him..
n now when parents dont agree with our relationship,,what should i do ??
i dont want to lose him,,honestly..
really confused now..
what should i do God ??
keep this relationship like this will make him suffer more than me,,i know..
am i selfish ???
really2 dont know what best for me to do right now..
bless me God..

by a crying winnie the pooh

sometimes parents just complicate the simple things..

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