Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

trawas 16 - 18 juni at Sipit's villa

.i forgot to tell u all that me n my classmate, XIA4, going to trawas for sumthing like farewell for us.. i'll tell u abt our short trip to trawas..
..we stayed at Sipit a.k.a Lupita's villa..

..there were 15 of us..
..some of my classmate cant join this but we still happy here.. tell u,,there r jacuzzi, swimming pool, billiard, etc that mostly being our 'playground'..
..from the first time we came to Sipit's villa we take so much photo even we're still not complete cz 6 of us came in the evening..
..taking photo at jacuzzi made our shorts wet n the temptation to make others more wet make we, finally, swim at that moment.. the evening, the rest of us came n we were complete..
..when dinner,,we realize that our prefect, Kevin Stefano a.k.a KS eat sooo sooo much.. me,,it's SOOO SOOOO MUCH..
..the second place taken by Melinda Soewandi a.k.a Melon..
..she eat as much as KS..
..the next day,,Hans woke up first, 5.00 pm, he said..
..Jermia Junior a.k.a JJ next, then Christina Fanny a.k.a C Fanny, then me n Helen..
..then 4 of WC crews woke up n make some sounds with playing billiard n make the rest of us woke up..
..time really run so fast there..
..we plan to take a walk after breakfast, so some of us not take a bath, but that plan never practicable..
..take a walk substituted with swimming..
..Dhian, Albert a.k.a Beret, Hans, n Eben not come with us..
..initially,,Andi dont want to coming too..
..but we force him..
..he doesnt want the soft way so JJ did the hard way with lift Andi n jump in the swimming pool..
..thats how our trip become so funny.. nite,, we order satay for dinner..
..again n again,,KS n Melon eat SOOOO SOOO MUCH..
..then we played fireworks..
..Sipit so excited with this firework things..
..we take a pic, make 'A4'-fireworks, n skyrocket-ing with so many formations..
..this kinda fun..

..Andre a.k.a Susuk, KS, Suhartono a.k.a Sutek stayed at girl's room till late nite..
..then here comes the last day..
..n we home safely.. not sad cz we separated but im happy cz we ever met.. we can hv this beautiful memories together.. really hving fun with u all guyz..
..thanks for all these moments..
..thanks for all these memories..
..thanks for all.. not gonna forget u guyz..
..we are separated but i hope our friendship still there n nvr die..
..i love u all guyz..

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