Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

new class..

..hey guyz..
..got new class today..
..u know,,my class is so respectively since im in JHS..
..VII-4, VIII-3, IX-2..
..X-5, XIA4, XIIA3..
..see ?? ..
..weird but cool i think..
..back to the topic,,NEW CLASS..
..the first i see the name list of my class,,i think i know many people than i think i would..
..i think it would be good for me..
..i still think like that till now..
..u know,,when u keep silent at the first time in a new class,,it's just a common syndrome..
..new class syndrome..
..my syndrome i think..
..as the time goes by u will enjoy the class..
..while myb not so enjoyable as u think at the first time but it'll better..
..trust me..
..i prove it already..
..as im not that kind of 'it' girl at my school,,i think u can take my word as a common opinion..
..rite ?? ..
..just to tell u all..
..this morning i got a little shock therapy..
..new class syndrome ??..
..it's just my old bestfriend *if i can tell she's my bestfriend, surely*..
..i cant tell u the story here cz it can make this entry too long to see..
..but i just want to tell u that frm that friend i found one new fact abt her..
..she's so kind,truly,many of my friends said that already n me too..
..but today i realize that she's not too care to her friend who's not too close to her..
..if i can assess her kindness and her care to others *just in my case* i'll give her 8 for kindness n 0 for her care, especially..
..u know,,i dont know that this kind of people are exist before..
..but it's okay for me..
..she's not my only friend..
..i still hv tons..
..dont hv to be sad for someone that i assume as my bestfriend but not assume me as her bestfriend rite ?? ..
..i deserve the better one :)) ..
..u too guyz..
..choose the best for urself cz myb there r not so much people who really care for ur best..
..so fight for urself,,dont be so sloppy..
..u deserve the best :D :D ..

NB: it's like im using 'LOL', 'rite', 'u know' words too much..
LOL again..i need to have more fun..so,,let me ok ??
:D :D


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