Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010


'i dont care with people who dont care with me'
this quote come frm my friend..
first time i heard this,, i dont feel like there's anyting wrong..
but after thinking abt it again,,i hv my own thought..
for me,, 'care' is a sensitive word..
i know how is life without 'care'..
i ever in it..
and, trust me, it sucks..
everything gonna need a start..
everything gonna need a forerunner..
and the rest will flow as easy as u want..
that quote isnt wrong at all..
but let's think like this..
if it isnt u who start to care abt others, who else ??
we can change the world even with small action..
myb they r just cant show their 'care' overtly..
although they actually 'care' at heart..
u just need to understand what inside..
show it..
and they who cant show their 'care' at first will follow eventually..

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