Senin, 29 November 2010


a relationship btween a boy n a girl is based on 'need each other' thing..
also 'love each other' thing..
when love n needed feels frm one side is gone..
the first thing we can do is try to find out why they're gone..
try to fix it..
try the best u can try..
do the best u can do to save ur relationship..
how if everything u did isnt working ???
i think thats the sign that myb he/she's not for u..
i think if love is gone the relationship is dead..
if u think abt split frm each other thats not wrong in all..
noone's wrong..
u're not wrong,,he/she's not wrong too..
noone's know how a relationship will ends..
happy ending or sad ending..
the important thing is that u r not plan that split or loss of love to be happened..
myb it'll hard on the beginning..
but over time u'll accustomed to the situation..
stop feeling guilty cz it'll just make u sad sad n sad..
separation is not easy..
but in every meeting there must be separation..

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