Jumat, 30 Juli 2010


..plz dont be bored abt this topic ok..
..it's my life now..
:D :D
..it have been better for me in this class now..
..the people, the situation, but not the schedule..
..the school start earlier, and end longer..
..they promise us to be free in saturday..
..but, no..
..we're still in school in saturday..
..they call it character building..
..is that sounds important ?? ..
..idk abt urs, at least it's a BIG NO for me..
..we need rest after that all tiring school rite ?? ..
..what the hell ?! ..
..but it's okay..
..the important thing r relax and stay away frm problems..
..ok guyz..
..thats all frm me tonite..
and byee~


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