Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

U.N.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y year i have to attend in university..'s a must..
..i dont wanna be late to get in university.. i have to think abt what faculty i want..
..confused abt that..
..the first thing come into my mind is film..
..everything abt film.. making, editing, production..
..n based on my friend opinion which i agreed,,it's no used to study film in Indonesia..
..u all know that Indonesian film still cant compete with america's or hollywood's..
..if i cant say bad..
..especially in the special effect things which i really want the most if im study film..
..the best if i can study in america..
..still based on my friend opinion,,if i cant study in america or somewhere around,,singapore n malaysia still good..
..but study abroad is not that easy for me..
..the fee, the appliances..
..idk,,so confused @@~ ..
..i dont know the best university to study too..
..i think its gonna be hard.. i have the substitution for that film faculty..
..i think abt hospitality..
..or myb business..
..i can get that 2 faculties in Indonesia..
..but im still obsessed with film study.. there anyone know abt university for film study in malaysia or singapore ?? ..
..tell me if u know..
..i'll be so thank u to u..

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