Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

in love with badminton !! *.*

im in love with badminton from this pas few months.
cz with playing badminton i could be so sweaty just in a minute.
good for health n good for diet right ? :D
oya n good for spend my long long holiday.
n today im playing badminton again.
for 3 hours !!
yeah so sweaty xD
n one of my friend give an idea to go to movie at East Coast.
we're so sweaty n go to mall.
yeahhh. not so good.
but nothing's wrong. haha.
so, yeah, we're go to the mall n watch movie with bad condition.
smelly. euw~
but that was so much fun.
include when we hv dinner n we're so crazy there with the waiter too.
n this is us when we found a good thing to take a pic with x)

this is it !! the 'kumus-kumus' ^^

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