Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011


every people has a chance to change
even they have done too much bad thing
how painful what they've done
they still have the chance to change
sure we dont want to be fooled
but there's will never be a benefit in repaid bad thing with bad thing
it's like add so much salt to brine
it will make the water much more salty than before
instead of sweet even tasteless
same with wickedness
if it always repaid also with wickedness it will never be better but probably be even worse
sure it's not easy to always be kind to people who's always hurting you
yes, someone who has hurting you must get some punishment
but there must be a boundary
everything has boundaries
yes, that's not easy to forgive someone who's always hurting us
but what you really get in keeping grudges or hatred ?
it takes time to forgive
but dont be so protracted that u never forgive them
mybe u ever heard someone said 'God can forgive us, why we as His people cant forgive our fellow?'
mybe u ever heard someone answered 'But i'm not even a God'
yes, we aren't even a God
we can't forgive people as easy as what God always does
but God always wants us to forgive
mybe it looks cliche n bullshit for some of u
but i assure you
that there will never be any benefits in keeping grudges or hatred for too long
but will make our mind even worse
giving a repaid or not forgive someone yet, is permitted for me
but remember that everything has its time n boundaries

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