Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

batoo trip 16 - 18 may ^^

just got home frm Batu with Lois, Dhian, Erinna, Albert, Hans, Andi, Kevin, Yohan, Vincent, Gaby, MP, and absolutely ME !!

that was so much FUN.
we're taking so much photos even some of the boys were so hard to take a pic with.
but we, the girls, sure can force them to take a lot of funny pic.
we planned to go to jatimpark 1 in the 1st day.
but we cancel it n going to BNS in the evening.
finally i can play 'Sepeda Gila' that made me spin 360 degree.
we also take many photos with the lanterns :D
in the 2nd day, we stay at the villa.
oh we do something like tracking in the garden there.
we were walking down the cornfield until we found the garden full of violet flower that i dont know what the name is.

that was so GREAT.
in the 3rd day we were going to jatimpark 2.
what were we doing here ??
absolutely take so much pics !!
there were so many cute animals to see.
how cute they are !!
with marekat *if im not wrong*

the elephant will dance if u play some music
we end the day with having dinner at HTS.
we arrived in Surabaya at about 8 pm.
thank you for all of u guys!!
that was so so much FUN we had together.
i hope we will always be friend, okay.
i know we will !!

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