Kamis, 28 April 2011

idle mode

just like the title, yes, im in an idle mode.
from the morning i keep thinking what can i do to spend my time ?
firstly, i want to make some choco cheese bread for my dinner.
but after checking for the bread, i found that it was expired in April 24th :T
the expired bread :(
so i change the plan to spaghetti for my lunch :D
i found some chicken, cheese, a little vegetable

myb u're wondering what's the yellow things above the chicken n vegetable.
im telling u that was cheese.
too much ?
i dont think so, i love cheese cz 
myb u'll see it like cubed cheese, n u were right.
i dont have the cheddar, so i use the cutted slide cheese :D
OH n i forget that i found Chitato original flavor

it was so much for my lunch.
n it will make me feel full 'till night.
im not gonna hv dinner xD

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