Senin, 23 Mei 2011

they are your friend ?? YES, THEY ARE !!

myb they're not the best people in the world.
but thats them who always listens to me without saying that im stupid when i did something wrong.
thats them who stay by my side when my tears went down.
thats them who make me laugh again when i got angry.
thats them who tell me not to cry so im not looks so weak in front of others.
myb thats all i need.
that makes me proud to say that they're my FRIEND.

yes, im not a mellow or sentimental person.
same with some of them.
but here i wanna say really thank you to all of them specially Jes n Er from my deepest heart for their willingness on accompany me passed through my problem.
thanks for their opinion that makes me realize this n that.
thanks for helping me see things frm different sight.
i really really appreciate it.
myb i couldnt say all of it in real life.

okay,stop the chick flick talking here.

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