Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

SOMETIMES this all happens...

sometimes people judge us from the outside n cz they dont know how it feels inside.
but sometimes thats us who dont want to tell them what we feel.
sometimes we just want others to know n understand us by themselves which dont always work.
sometimes we ourselves who dont want to understand that people couldnt always understand about what we feel.
sometimes we just wanna be understood but dont want to understand.

Jumat, 25 November 2011

boyfriend or boy friend ??

18 years old.
never be in a relationship.

this mate issue always make me a lil bit 'galau' ( thats indonesian terms for something like uneasy feeling ).
when i ever close to hv a boyfriend then everything being ruined.
i hv many boy friends but no boyfriend.
how this can be ??
sometimes i think theres something wrong with me.
but then i realize that some of my friend never be in a relationship also.
so im not the only poor one.
but to be honest i wanna hv one.
oya about two days ago my mom tell me her conversation with one of her friend when they made a phone call.
my mom said that her friend hv an acquaintance.
he's 28 years old n he likes tiny girls.
isnt it weird that he only wants to be with tiny girls ??
but thats relief me cz that made me know that there must be someone who still like a tiny girl like me.
and as i am a tiny girl so she remember about me n intend to match me with him.
firstly, im just laughing.
dont u imagine 18 with 28 ??
oh nooo.
when he already wants to get married, im sure i still want to find a job.
then my mom said that she doesnt want to force me.
i will find my mate in time.
so i think, ' ok, mom. i trust u, n this mate issue wont worry me anymore.'
mom's words do relief me.

xoxo winidepu

Jumat, 04 November 2011

the accident going bad

what i will talk about is the accident that just happened this afternoon.
my senior was with me for some assignment.
not long after that,,my lecturer call her cz she said that my senior violate a major rules.
she cant attend the final exam for her penalty.
just to tell u, this penalty is so bad.
cz it can make u fail in every subject n if u fail, u have to repeat every subject in this semester which means u have to pay evenmore.
so she asked my lecturer, 'how did u know that i'm here n do violation ??'
my lecturer said that there's someone who told her.
and my senior knew exactly who she is.
n surprisingly, 'that girl' texting my senior said sorry after that.
me with one of my friend who know this story feel so sad about this.
but my senior said, 'nothing to be sad about. even if i cry, it won't change anything. what we have to think is how can i pass all the subjects with no score frm final exam ?'
ok, frm this story i think something abt 'that girl' :
1. is that really a need to report someone's violation to the lecturer, even if 'that girl' think that something bad is have to be punished ??
2. myb 'that girl' want to make herself looked not too bad in my senior's eyes, but myb the 'sorry' word shouldn't be just TEXTED. if she really felt sorry for her action she must be show more effort. saying 'sorry' in face-to-face can be one way. with just TEXTING i didnt think she really feel sorry for what she did. 
but then i salute to my senior for how she reacted to this situation.
for not being panic.
for not taking this situation too hard on her.
myb she will cry at home.
myb she feel really panic inside.
but what i saluted here was that she wasn't show it in front of people.
that she could control her emotions so she's not down at all.
i hope the best for her.

Rabu, 02 November 2011

being too kind is bad

so guys how abt the title ??
ring any bell in your head ??
any experience in your life ??
hmm ok.
here i dont want to say that being kind is bad.
thats good being kind to people.
but dont forget u still need to make urself do good. 
do happy.
dont ever u do something kind that make urself bad.
EXCEPT, u know that those people would do the same kind thing to you.
it's not about selfishness.
it's about not being so dumb coz of kindness.
u see, when u did kind things to people, NOT EVERY people will realize how u do that kind things.
maybe u hardly do that things,isnt it ??
but trust me, NOT EVERY people will realize it and do the same kind thing to u.
so EXCEPT, u REALLY dont want any reward for what u've done....
i firmly tell u to not being too kind to people.
think about urself also.
not just about others.
being selfish is not good.
but sometimes we need selfishness for protection.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

myb this just my 'night sick'

have u ever felt like u dont know how ur life must be??
like u dont know how to live ur life?
like u dont know what the real aim of ur life??
like u feel nothing special in ur life??
like u bored with everything happened around u??
do u ever feel like u dont know what to achieved?

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

the invitation

check out this cute invitation that my parents got

cute, huh ??
this show me how beautiful a marriage must be

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011


the current thing is that i can tell is that i'm teaching now.
for who?
for junior high students.
since the end of september it is.
it is fun?
the fact that i have to study again for junior high materials. 
but still fun to see how that kids 4-5 years under my age act.
some are easy but some aren't.
but i think i have to manage my time well to work n study well.
since that midtest is around here.
wishme for the best, will u ??
oh n wish me for i can drive my own car pretty soon.
so it wont be hard to go anywhere by myself, isnt it ?
so thats all from now.
ciao ^.^

Jumat, 23 September 2011


hi guys.
long time not post anything here.
but now i'll show u some of my DIY Projects i've made days before.
first is a PHOTO FRAME.
i made this for Selection of UKM ( something like extracurricular in my university ) Decoration
all the materials are used goods ( cz it's the criteria for the selection )
i used carton, patchwork, brown envelope, paper that i paint pink n yellow there :D

here it is the recycle FRAME

then, here is BRACELETS DISPLAY.
i made this cz it's hard to see my bracelets is a drawer.
n also cz the price of a bracelets display like this is quite expensive in the market.

the bracelets display

see!! there are the bracelets :D

the third is a BOOK-KEYCHAIN
actually i made this just for fun cz i want to hv a unique keychain.

here it is!!
i made this for ethics tutorial subject.
the project was i had to make something in 3D titled 'Dream n Hope'
so with this miniature i can say that i want to graduate frm my university n i want to be a business girl also.

i think there all of them.
i'll show u guys if i make more

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

that experience

on the last sunday, i've experienced thing that never happened to me before.
every sunday i went to church with my mom n sis.
while waiting my father picked us up, we met the priest.
talking for a while.
asking what i'm study now.
asking for my sis too.
n when he knew that my sis will be married, he pray for all of us.
n, yea, i dont know why.
my tears just wanna falling down.
what happen to me ??
i dont know.
i think thats the first time someone show the real care to us.
especially to me.
n thats the first time i know someone pray for me.
whereas he's not too close to us.
he just know us.
how come he can be so care to us whereas someone that close to us sometimes just dont care much.
n in the end, i just cant stop my tears to falling down.
but i swept it fast.
myb i just got that teary eyes.
i really dont know what happen to me at that time.
i just feel so touched with the priest's pray.

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

nederlands :)

Hoe gaat het ??
alles goed??

some of u myb will say 'what the hell are u saying ??!'
yes that's not english. 
thats dutch.
it means 'how are you ? is everything alright ?'
my hospitality faculty made me must learn one more language beside english.
there r kinds of choices.
like chinese, german, french, korean, and dutch.
mostly people will choose chinese cz like we all know chinese is the second important language after english now.
but no, im not choose what mostly people choose.
for me, im done with chinese.
gave up.
im still okay with the conversations. 
but im not okay with their pictorial writings.
they're sooooo hard to learn.
i learn abt it from school since elementary but i dont feel like im an expert in it.
different with english.
so then im going to choose german so maybe i can get in the dual degree program at Switzerland.
but then my friend telling me that the cost can be 300 million. 
what the hell!!
thats like i take three times bachelor study.
so that my hope was falling down so hard.
thats why i choose dutch.
the cost for the course is not too expensive and mybe i can be an apprentice in Netherlands.
the class with 9 of my hospitality friends was fun n the language is not too difficult cz it's similar to english n indonesian
good isnt it ??
wish me luck ??
sure u will wish me luck!

this is some of us :)

xoxo winidepu

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

say hello confidently to the SOMETHING NEW

have u ever feel afraid for the future ?
for what will happen next day, next 6 months, or next year ?
oh or mybe the next hour ?
for something new u will go through ?
i ever.
sometimes i feel the fear
sometimes i feel nervous.
sometimes i feel not confident.
but u know what?
these days i realize that what i wondering about is nothing.
i wondering abt nothing.
the fact is there nothing to fear abt.
nothing to feel nervous abt.
n no reason to be not confident.
the conclusion is 'it always seems impossible until it is done'.

xoxo winidepu

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

love ≠ money but love still NEEDS money

one of my friend said 'true love these days ?? bullshit. todays, love = face = money'
what u think guys ??
is this right ??
yea myb some of u will say 'AGREE' , 'thats right', or 'dont forget the cars, man'
yes yes yes.
but u know, i dont think that it's the right formula.
for me, love is NOT the same with face.
really *if love is all abt face so what will happen to people with not-too-good appearance?? think.*
i ever experience this n i can say that it's not the same.
but for money, i will correct it.
it's not the same but i will change it that LOVE NEEDS MONEY.
dont be naive, dude.
myb when u married yet, u wont feel it.
but lets think abt this,
will u, girls, marry u, guys, that doesnt has any jobs just because u love each other ??
for u who answer yes *cz im a girl, i hope no girl will say yes to this question -pray-*, oh please be realistic.
see, guys with no job = no money = no food = no life.
i didnt mean to offend u guys, but u still the patriarch, isnt it ??
myb u'll say im sarcastic or what.
but admit it that im right.
u think u can have a good life just count on LOVE ??
so just eat that love when u're hungry.
thats just always work on film.
but in real life ??
thats wont always works as u want it will be.
u wont be fulled just by love. 
am i right ??
with kids, life must be harder. 
milk, shirts, school, food......
im sure u dont want ur kids have bad nutrition or education, do u ??
so i didnt say that love is all abt money.
i didnt say that love is the same with money.
but however, u will always need money in love.
wake up frm ur little kid's dreams abt love, people. 
n welcome to the reality.

xoxo winidepu

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

my life is not drama

how if u life is a korean drama ?
i think there must be a lot of tears and excessive act. 
technically there must be a lot of  'drama' and u're the drama queen or king.
yeah, i cry a river when i watched Endless Love and Winter Sonata.
i said 'how sweet !!' so many times when i watched My Girl.
im going to be furious when i watched  Gu Jeon Pyo's mother in Boys Before Flowers.
yea, they're good. 
but u know what?
i do not always watch them complete.
usually i watch the first eps n then the last eps. 
when i felt the movie is interesting i watch it completely.
cz i dont know why sometimes i get bored watching them in the middle of the movie.
back to the topic.
looking at most of the korean drama, i think i dont wanna my life become like them.
sometimes i think myb it must be interesting if my life is like a korean drama.
but then i think, i dont want my life full of tears.
i dont wanna have too much problem.
and i dont want an excessive act in my life.
one thing i envy in korean drama is the romanticness.
oh, n one more thing.
there are so many cute-handsome-charming guys !!
can i just have that part of korean drama in my life ??
okay2 stop being a girl-really-wants-handsome-guys.
but still, they're so cute !!
ehem ehemmm.
so, let my life being my life n not being drama.
my life is not drama.
it's real life. 
thats all.
ciaoo ^^

xoxo winidepu

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011


this is for u, girls !
i watched a tv show some day ago.
it's about a celebrity who go to the wilds of Indonesia somewhere.
the place still so natural.
then one of the celebrity said that the girls there so ageless.
a 16 years old girl isnt looked like a 16 years old girl.
thats not like in Jakarta, which is the capital city of Indonesia, where a 16 years old girl looks so old. 
he said that a 16 years old girls in Jakarta not like a 16 years old girl.
they look like 20 or more.
looks so old.
that what he said.
and u know what ??
my mom do AGREE too.
why is that happen u think ??
i think, one reason is fashion.
they see the models look so beautiful and stylish so they want to be like them.
they dont pay attention to their age.
yes, they will look stylish with that outfit.
but sometime, they'll look not in the right age.
someday back then, i go to the mall and saw my junior in school.
i told my mom abt her n she was so surprised.
my mom said that before i told her that she is my junior my mom think that she's older than me.
that happens when i showed some photos of my friend to my tutor too.
i dont judge anyone to be like anything. 
but i think it's better to dress just like your age, isnt it ??

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

people change

looking back,,i realize that people change as they still living this world. 
their perspective, habits, attitude, what they like. 
so people change.
so do i.
are u ??
we meet so many kind of people with different characters.
we experience so many things n problems.
we see so many things.
we understand so many new things. 
that all can change us. 
our perspective, habits, attitude.
but that change can be negative or positive.
but i hope every little things that change will go to the positive ways.
so how's yours people ??
are u changing or still the same person as before ??

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Petra Christian University : Hospitality Management 2011

welcome to the university life, Jane !!
i did the orientation for hospitality management at 12 - 19 july.
so many people gathered around the university on that date.
it's about 2000 people.
crazy !!
i feel so exciting the day before the orientation.
meeting new people, having new friends, many activities, i think that must be so much fun.
n i'm right. 
i got my group, name CLEAN CITRINE.
this is some of us !!
exciting to meet the members also the frontline or tutors.
we also got good tutors, they're Veronica Amanda Kusumawidjaya and Neria Gresia Sugianto.
they're fun!!
the group also FUN!!
so the orientation was done n the real university life will begin.
study study study till i become 'a person'.
this 4 years must really means something n can make me become the real 'person'.
fighting for every new colleger this year !!

xoxo winidepu

Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

please treat every people nicely :D :D

sometimes i see a doll sitting there alone on the display.
thats not bcs people really want that kind of doll so just that one remains to sold.
but bcs they dont like that kind of doll.
they think it's not cute.
so noone pick it up.
so it just remains there, alone.
that kind of situation makes me feel like......hmmmm....sad for it ??
it reminds me on how people will feel when noone likes them just bcs they're not beauty or handsome.
people just see a doll frm its appearance, isnt it ??
like what people usually does with their fellow.
people with no beauty outside usually dont get good treat frm others.
in some group that makes them feel ignored.
look, when u go to a clothes store in bad appearance, how's the shop assistant will treat you??
compared to people who dress cool, neat, n mybe.... looks so rich ??
whereas, buyer, no matter how they dress, is a king, isnt it ??
yeah, i know u know what the answers are. 
nothing i can say abt this anymore.
cz this is LIFE.
cz that will always happen in LIFE no matter what i've said.
just read n think by urself.
n i just want to say something in the end,
'can u just treat people nicely no matter how's their outside appearances ??
at least just let that bad thoughts stay in ur head n dont show it on ur face or attitude.
just dont hurt others' feelings, okay ??
if it's a need to remind them abt bad things they have, say it politely with not hurting others.
that must be better.
CAN U ??'

P.S : why im using 'sometime' n 'usually' words so many times ??
cz NOT EVERY people do like what i said above.
just usually happens, but not everytime.
thats why.

xoxo winidepu

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

bali trip 10-14th june 2011

from Batu to Bali.
different people, different destination.
so here we are in BALI !!
twelve of us depart in june 10th night by car.

there we are in the car!!
its about 7 hours journey till we cross the sea with ferry in june 11th dawn.
on the ferry
it was raining n we saw rainbow in the morning.
what a WOW.
with the amazing rainbow
we also watch sunrise.

it was about 1,5 hours till we arrive in Baliii!!
we werent headed to our villa after that but we headed to Soka then Tanah Lot.

in Tanah Lot
n finally we headed to our villa on 6pm at night.
after dinner we were going to Kuta on foot.
so looonnggg journey.
but thats okay cz the boys got beer n the girls got some accessories :)
in the next day, we were going to Sukowati.
here we got a lot of things.
t-shirts, shorts, bracelets, necklaces, etc etc.
we also got twins t-shirt for all of us.
n it becomes hard to find cz we need one t-shirt with XXL size for one of my friend.
but finally we got it with low price after long time bargaining with the seller x)
then we were going to Kintamani.
at Kintamani *brrr so cold*
at night we were going back to Kuta Square. 
that was 2 girl, include me, and 3 boys.
again, the boys got their beer.
n we going around Kuta Square but the girls got nothing.
but look !!
the boys got much.
myb that was just not girl time :(
in Monday, we were going to Benoa for water sport.
but me n one of my girlfriend cant play the water sport cz the period.
what a bad time !!
so we killing time with walking down the beach n watching the Japanese playing volley beach.
then we were going to Dreamland.
that's beach again.
but i can say that it was greater beach than Benoa.
the sand is white n the water is so clear.
some of my friend was playing sand war there. 
that was so much fun.
we were going home wet.
at night, we were going back to Kuta Square !!
but now that was all of us.
some of us headed to Burger King in Discovery Mall but three of us, include me, were making a tattoo first then we catched them up at Burger King. 
then what we do ??
i was going shopping again in the same shop we came in the first day with one of my girlfriend.
others were going anywhere i dont know.
some was going to Hard Rock.
we spent so long time in that shop, until the shop was closed i think, n we got things again.
i got flat shoes n bracelet, my friend got flat sandals n bracelet too.
we satisfied shopping that night but also spent so much money :O
we still didnt want to going home honestly, cz that was our last night in Bali.
but we didnt hv any boys with us.
so we dont want to going home too night.
but luckily, some of our friends still not going home too.
so we catched them up in Adhi Jaya Hotel where others group placed.
n we were going home safely n satisfied :)
we planned not to sleep cz that was our last night.
but our exhaustion made us sleep in... hmmm.. maybe at 2am ??
but before that, we made a birthday surprise for one of my friend with home made cake.
that was group of snacks we have placed on plate with a glass of pudding on the top.

the home made cake

creative wasnt it ??
also we made fun of our sleep friend cz his sleep habits is so funny!!
that was so much fun activity before we were going to sleep.
LOL again.
the last day, we were all wake up late.
so some of my friends cancel to going to Waterboom.
so we headed straight to Joger to buy some gifts wearing our twins t-shirt.
this is our T-SHIRTS!!

then we were going to Bedugul n play with a boat.
that was FUN again!!
so that our trip in Bali was end n we were going home.
we arrived in Surabaya at june 15th  at about 6am.

this trip isnt just a trip for me.
im not close with every member of this trip before this.
even in school or even i never talk to some of them.
but that doesnt make this trip bad.
this trip was amazing.
different with the last Batu trip.
but still with the same fun.
the long journey that make us sleep everytime in the car was fun too.
this trip made me get some new friend.
this trip made me happy shopping !!
this trip made me ever do a long journey in car.
oh and this trip made one of my girlfriend, who usually doesnt want to take a pic, want to take a pic of her. 
i will never forget this trip.
n thanks for eveything guys !!
im so happy with this trip.
let we never forget each other even we are separate after this.

xoxo jane a.k.a winidepu