Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

love ≠ money but love still NEEDS money

one of my friend said 'true love these days ?? bullshit. todays, love = face = money'
what u think guys ??
is this right ??
yea myb some of u will say 'AGREE' , 'thats right', or 'dont forget the cars, man'
yes yes yes.
but u know, i dont think that it's the right formula.
for me, love is NOT the same with face.
really *if love is all abt face so what will happen to people with not-too-good appearance?? think.*
i ever experience this n i can say that it's not the same.
but for money, i will correct it.
it's not the same but i will change it that LOVE NEEDS MONEY.
dont be naive, dude.
myb when u married yet, u wont feel it.
but lets think abt this,
will u, girls, marry u, guys, that doesnt has any jobs just because u love each other ??
for u who answer yes *cz im a girl, i hope no girl will say yes to this question -pray-*, oh please be realistic.
see, guys with no job = no money = no food = no life.
i didnt mean to offend u guys, but u still the patriarch, isnt it ??
myb u'll say im sarcastic or what.
but admit it that im right.
u think u can have a good life just count on LOVE ??
so just eat that love when u're hungry.
thats just always work on film.
but in real life ??
thats wont always works as u want it will be.
u wont be fulled just by love. 
am i right ??
with kids, life must be harder. 
milk, shirts, school, food......
im sure u dont want ur kids have bad nutrition or education, do u ??
so i didnt say that love is all abt money.
i didnt say that love is the same with money.
but however, u will always need money in love.
wake up frm ur little kid's dreams abt love, people. 
n welcome to the reality.

xoxo winidepu

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