Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

please treat every people nicely :D :D

sometimes i see a doll sitting there alone on the display.
thats not bcs people really want that kind of doll so just that one remains to sold.
but bcs they dont like that kind of doll.
they think it's not cute.
so noone pick it up.
so it just remains there, alone.
that kind of situation makes me feel like......hmmmm....sad for it ??
it reminds me on how people will feel when noone likes them just bcs they're not beauty or handsome.
people just see a doll frm its appearance, isnt it ??
like what people usually does with their fellow.
people with no beauty outside usually dont get good treat frm others.
in some group that makes them feel ignored.
look, when u go to a clothes store in bad appearance, how's the shop assistant will treat you??
compared to people who dress cool, neat, n mybe.... looks so rich ??
whereas, buyer, no matter how they dress, is a king, isnt it ??
yeah, i know u know what the answers are. 
nothing i can say abt this anymore.
cz this is LIFE.
cz that will always happen in LIFE no matter what i've said.
just read n think by urself.
n i just want to say something in the end,
'can u just treat people nicely no matter how's their outside appearances ??
at least just let that bad thoughts stay in ur head n dont show it on ur face or attitude.
just dont hurt others' feelings, okay ??
if it's a need to remind them abt bad things they have, say it politely with not hurting others.
that must be better.
CAN U ??'

P.S : why im using 'sometime' n 'usually' words so many times ??
cz NOT EVERY people do like what i said above.
just usually happens, but not everytime.
thats why.

xoxo winidepu

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