Senin, 01 Agustus 2011


this is for u, girls !
i watched a tv show some day ago.
it's about a celebrity who go to the wilds of Indonesia somewhere.
the place still so natural.
then one of the celebrity said that the girls there so ageless.
a 16 years old girl isnt looked like a 16 years old girl.
thats not like in Jakarta, which is the capital city of Indonesia, where a 16 years old girl looks so old. 
he said that a 16 years old girls in Jakarta not like a 16 years old girl.
they look like 20 or more.
looks so old.
that what he said.
and u know what ??
my mom do AGREE too.
why is that happen u think ??
i think, one reason is fashion.
they see the models look so beautiful and stylish so they want to be like them.
they dont pay attention to their age.
yes, they will look stylish with that outfit.
but sometime, they'll look not in the right age.
someday back then, i go to the mall and saw my junior in school.
i told my mom abt her n she was so surprised.
my mom said that before i told her that she is my junior my mom think that she's older than me.
that happens when i showed some photos of my friend to my tutor too.
i dont judge anyone to be like anything. 
but i think it's better to dress just like your age, isnt it ??

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