Minggu, 24 April 2011

♥ dont be blind but realistic ♥


thats what some people said..
when they do something for someone they love that other people said that was so stupid,,they will say, 'what can i do ?? love is blind rite ??'
ok,,if someone said that to me i will said 'NO'
myb some people agree with 'love is blind' statement..
but i think love is more for 'REALISTIC'
i watched a film about this :
lets say there were two men, i gonna call them as P and Q, and a woman, i gonna call her as A.
both P and Q love A.
even A doesnt love Q but they're engaged cz Q are so kind to A.
P still love A and swear that he will get A for him.
he even said to A that he is so sure that A loves him too but she just doesnt realize it yet.
someday P found that A was sick but she doesnt want Q to know abt it cz she doenst want to make Q inconvinience.
so P swear to not tell Q anything.
but then P found that A need so much money for the medicine so she can be healed.
he really wants to help her, buy her the medicine so she can be healed ASAP.
but he cant, remember that he himself has so many debts.
A dont hv enough money too.
the only one who can help is Q.
P really didnt want to tell Q, as his promise to A.
also he didnt want to tell Q secret which is just known by A and him.
it's just like kill his pride if he told Q abt their secret.
but he still told Q abt A's sickness.
n Q helped A to achieve the medicine.
someday A ask P why he told Q abt the secret.
n P answered, 'my love is not blind. my love for u is realistic. even i really want to help u by myself but the fact is i cant. i cant let my ego going but u're suffer more. cz what i really want is ur happiness no matter what."
so what u think ??
i dont think abt this topic 'till i watched this film.
but now i think thats right.
'REALISTIC' is more than 'BLIND'

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