Jumat, 22 April 2011

finally i got my laptop back again yipiiieyyy~

it's been one month without type anything here.
n now i've passed the national exams :D
exhausted ?
it's so sad to think that im not gonna in a crowded class again.
not gonna see some of my friend again.
that i'll part with some of my friend.
part with my bestiest.
not gonna hear the jokes that make me laugh all the time.
not gonna escape frm class again.
not gonna buy foods in the canteen again.
not gonna tease teacher again.
hufff. >,<
but thats okay.
this is a new start of our life.
in this 3 years of high school,,so many things happened.
specially in this 2 semesters.
harder than my 7th or 9th grade.
happy, sad, confused, angry, quarelling.
tears, smile, laugh.
love, friend, parents.
so so much thing to solve, so much things to learn.
every tears out is priceless.
cz there must be a lesson to learn.
i would not regret everything happened.
n i wouldnt hv any grudges to anybody.
i cherish this high school life as my 'first' in anything.
myb some of us wont see each other for sometime.
but i hope in the next 10 or 20 or 30 years when we meet again,,we'll meet as a different person.
better person.
success person.
i will never forget anything or anybody in this high school life cz they're all hv a special place in my heart already.
im gonna miss everything abt this wonderful high school life.
but lets we face this life together guys.
we must be a 'PERSON'!! x)

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