Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010


..we just got the report todayy..
..lets check..

...hurraayy !! .. red mark in my report (!!).. meanss my report is great.. happy for my class cz everyone could upgrade class..
..n now,,me n all of my classmate officially a XII grade student ^^..
..congratz to all of us !! yeay~ ..
..but there's a sad fact that we shud know..
..frm other classes there r some student that cant upgrade class >,< .. friend (albert a.k.a beret) said that they're 5 frm science n 3 frm sosial class..
..what a pity guys (!!) ..
..but i know u've done the best back there..
..i can say no words but 'ciayoo' for all of u..'s not the end but the beginning of alteration..
..alwayz optimist for u guyz..
..n for XIA4, my class, once more ...


..see u in XII grade people..
..n see u in 1st floor, myb if there's no change in that building..


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