Sabtu, 17 November 2012

the most qualified

what i want to say here is, LIFE.
people with better qualification will win.
this qualification can be anything.
lucky will counted too :D
it happens in every part of life.
school, work, social life etc.
the easy example is in love relationship.
compare who will gets man easier.
fat, face full with acnes, dumb, lame, drearily, not so interesting-girl WITH pretty, sexy, clever, kind, well-mannered, joyful, happy-girl ??
the fact is the second one usually will win.
i didnt say ALWAYS
but it happens in life usually.
in working life too.
if u let urself look worse than others, that must be bad.
so face this life with the best qualification u could have, guys !!

how's life people?
i hope u experienced the best one
for mine too :)

anyone thinking about ur future?
or u still thinking about ur past?

what is love ?
i dont really understand.
how is love ?
i dont really know either.

once, i think i know, i understand what love is.
but then i realize i dont.

how do we know is it love or not ?
is it love or just liking someone ?
sometimes it's just slightly different, isnt it ?
sometimes we fall for it.

love can bring us happiness ?
but love can bring us also sadness ?
it can bring us confusion but comfort at the same time.
what is this thing called love exactly ?

i dont know who or how we would find our love.
what i do know is we cant control how or when love would come to us.

i think i'll just wait and see when love will come to me.

Rabu, 14 November 2012

building a relationship isn't always easy
for 2 person to always get along isn't always easy
there must be so many problems that could come

people say age doesnt matter when u come to love
but in this reality age can be one of the problem 
when the range is too long, the differences may become a problem
but what i believe is that when u love someone that differences wont matter anymore
the differences wont be gone
on the other hand, if we want to understand each other, i think the differences wont matter 

i think the key is communication
tell ur boyfriend/girlfriend about what u want or dont want, like or dislike
about what society u live in, about ur friends
being open is all that matters

with long range of age we cant push her/him to just understand everything just like that
think like u are in her/his position 
it must be hard
but with communication, understanding isn't as hard as it seems
when the relationship seems hard to maintain n what u can see as problems is different age

it comes back to why u want her/him to be ur girlfriend/boyfriend?
is it love ?
or not ?
if it is love, do u want to keep it or lose it ?
do u still want to fight for that love or not?
is there any reason for u to hold on her/him ?

if it is all yes, i think u both surely could conquer all the differences

Selasa, 24 April 2012

long time not post anything here
university makes me so busy.
actually for the midterms.
i still dont have the result which makes me so nervous.
and also the HRG competition.
unfortunately my team didnt win anything.
but nothing to be sad about.
that day was great with the three of the highschool student which all boys.
they're so fun :D
after the competition i still have P3KMABA.
accepted in evaluation division makes me has to have meeting every monday and friday.
a lil bit exhausted but still fun till now

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

i've been living for 19 years now n i dont know abt who's my true friend..
sometimes i think abt a person and feel like they're my true friend..
but not long after that i start to doubt that..
many things made me so doubtful abt it..
moreover at my bday..
at my latest bday even she who i thought is my best friend didnt congratulate me..
i dont know if she really forget my bday or she thought that congratulation isnt important anymore..
my close friend now just know my bday frm FB..
most of them forget n just remember cz there's people congratulate me..
even my mom forget my bday n only remembered at night but she remind me if i already congratulate my sis's bday..
the one who congratulate my first is someone who i dont think would do that..
i dont know if she was just not sleeping at that dawn n she saw my bday at FB, i dont know..
but on top of that, i dont wanna think much abt it anymore..
i will just called who i think are my true friends..
i wont mind if they think the same abt me or not..
cz i think true friends wont mind abt it..
but if i dont feel that they think the same abt me so my deed for them will be limited to what i think is enough..

my true friends ??
who ??
them ??
are they really my true friends ??

this life doesnt insurance us with anything..
it doesnt promise us with happiness all the time..
it doesnt promise us that our life would always going smoothly..
it doesnt promise us that we will always meet good people..
it doesnt promise us that our deed will be paid the same..
it also doesnt promise us abt when we will find our true friends or even our mate..
we ourselves who can guarantee how our life will be going till the end..

Senin, 16 Januari 2012

single lady

okay, here the title of this post can resemble me.
18-going-to-19 single lady.
what a life.
sometimes im happy being single.
but in this time i feel like wanna hv a boyfriend.
yea i know that having a boyfriend will cause a different trouble instead of being single.
but i dont know, that feeling just come out.
n soooo....
me n my friends, most of who also single ladies ( i dont know what's wrong that makes us still single right now. lol ), seem like having the same syndrome :D
i called it 'single-syndrome'
OMG. being single really make me 'crazy' and a lil bit 'galau'.
even i know that being in a relationship can make me feel 'galau' more often :T
the syndrome is that most of us dreamt about having a melodious-sound-guy.
who can really sing for us.
with guitar on his hand will be better.
dont u all think like that too ?? :p
one day we watched a good looking guy with cool voice plus his guitar singing soooo great, and most of us said, 'when can i have a guy who can sing me a song as great as him??'
girls with boyfriend dont laugh at us ok.
this just kinda syndrome. 
so long time without boyfriend make us get this syndrome.
but it's fun having this syndrome esp if u know that u're not the one who get that syndrome. lol
people usually say that we have to dream high.
so i hv a dream abt what kind of boyfriend i want.
nothing's wrong with a dream, isnt it ??
dreaming is free, so dream as high as u can, as u want.

xoxo the single winidepu :D

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

the camp

i just got home from a camp called 'campjur' last Saturday.
3 days out frm Surabaya.
pretty good but not as hard as the last year.
i'll tell u abt the camp which is contain 155 people, but sorry i cant provide the pics cz we were not allowed to bring any electronic device.

Day 1.
we had to arrived at our university in 6am on time.
then the committee checked our stuffs n we will get a punishments if we bring something that prohibited.
the punishments are we have to write a passage with 4 paragraphs on one page folio + a bible verse 6 times multiplied by your violations + another bible verse 30 times.
n if u dont do any violations but ur group member did , u still had to do a punishments which is write the passage + a bible verse 30 times.
we had many group in this camp, there r outbond group, inbond group, room group, and pray group.
but the most important group is the outbond group cz we must prepare so many things with this group.
before we go to Sawiran, we had a session, it's saomething like seminar if i can say.
n after we arrived at Sawiran they divided us to the room consist 4 people.
then we still had 2 sessions left which is done at 11pm.
n thats not thelast activites in day 1.
we still must do the punishments for the violations, with the condition that one hour after the last sessions every lamp must be turned off, and it is impossible to do the punishments in just one hour, it is impossible to do it in the next morning also cz we will had many activities that wont allow us to do the punishments which is so much.
so i and my roommate used our flashlight n do it in the dark until about 12.30am.

Day 2.
after we could sleep at 12.30am, we must woke up at 4.45am.
n we had to pray together at 5.
then we had inbond.
so we given a map and we have to find 6 places with a game in every place.
actually the games were not so hard to do, but our group which contain 10 people got a stinky game at first.
so there was a long rope with a spoon in every end n we had to pass that rope through our shirt.
the bad thing is that the rope had a really really bad smell, i dont know how they made that smell.
that was like the smell of rotten eggs mix with oyster, shrimp paste etc.
there so many of my friends that vomit cz of the smell.
n we had to go to other places with that smell on our body.
imagine that bad smell on your body in about 2 hours.
but whatsoever we passed that all n never forgot to take a bath directly after the games over.
until night we still had the sessions but for this day we didnt need to do the punishments.
what a relieve right?? :)

Day 3.
we still had to wake up at 4.45am n had to pray together.
then we had outbond.
we had 5 place to go with games in every place similar like the inbond but with harder n longer tracks n also we had to think harder than the inbond for the games.
that was so much fun with my group.
until we got home n arrived again in Surabaya at abt 10pm.

i think the committe did it well.
myb there were problems but it still fun.
yes, we were exhausted but every camp always like that i think.
there were so many memories.
so many laugh.
solve problem together, do the punishments together, sleep so late at night n wake up so early in the morning together.
i think i will never forget this camp.

xoxo winidepu for hospitality 2011 :)