Kamis, 24 Februari 2011


who is ur bestfriend ??
why u regard them as ur bestfriend ?
this kind of thoughts r hovering in my mind..
i think n think..
then i know abt something..
that the one that i regard as my bestfriend is the one who can really understand me..
who always set their ears ready to hear all of my grievances..
who always have their shoulder when i need to spill out my tears..
who will never just blame me whatever happens but also help me to correct my eror..
who always can make me smile in my sadness..
who will never feel bothered with me around..
who can be a safe box for all my secrets..
who accept me truly frm heart..
the one who know my worst n my best..
i think bestfriend wont be so many..
myb it's just one or two..
n now i think i hv two..
i regard them as my bestfriend but idk abt what they think..
but still so thank you for both of them..
so,,who can be ur bestfriend guys ??

regards :: winidepu who wants her happy simple life back

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