Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010


'i dont care with people who dont care with me'
this quote come frm my friend..
first time i heard this,, i dont feel like there's anyting wrong..
but after thinking abt it again,,i hv my own thought..
for me,, 'care' is a sensitive word..
i know how is life without 'care'..
i ever in it..
and, trust me, it sucks..
everything gonna need a start..
everything gonna need a forerunner..
and the rest will flow as easy as u want..
that quote isnt wrong at all..
but let's think like this..
if it isnt u who start to care abt others, who else ??
we can change the world even with small action..
myb they r just cant show their 'care' overtly..
although they actually 'care' at heart..
u just need to understand what inside..
show it..
and they who cant show their 'care' at first will follow eventually..

the relationship..

anyone of u hv  a girlfriend or boyfriend ??
im sure there r a lot of u..
this is for all of u who hv a gf or bf right now u read this entry..
why u made this boy or girl as ur gf or bf ?
love ??
cherish ??
care ??
or combination of all ?
how if that all gone ?
what u can do ?
break up ?
actually it's up to u..
one important thing that u must concern is u and ur couple's feeling..
myb there so much thing to think if u wanna do sumthing like break up if i can say..
like parents, friends or myb other's feeling..
there so much kind of cases..
dont think too much abt that..
let's think just abt what u both feels first..
thinking abt other's thing or other people besides ur feeling can be bad for urself..
get advice frm others r good..
but some advice just cant used directly like what it said..
cz other people doesnt know what EXACTLY happen between both of u..
even it's ur parents or ur best bestfriend..
who EXACTLY know what happen inside ur heart is U..
ask ur deepest heart..
take other's advice as ur addition thoughts..
n get the best decision for u n ur couple first..
then u can think abt other people around ur relationship..
this isnt abt ego..
this is just abt 'after u keep ur feeling good,,u can keep other's better' thing..

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

exhausted.. start this entry,,i just wanna say "fuahhh~"..
..being a 12th grade student is so tiring..
..tests r like a flood..
..more than every grade i've passed..
..especially for science class..
..n one more thing that make it more tiring..
UNIVERSITY !! what happened last week..
..truly,,last week was a relaxing week..
..just a lil time study n free for the rest..
..but the weird thing was i still feel tired.. fren agree with me abt this..
..then we know what make us tired that week.. was bcz of  their so much university..
..a lot of us still confused abt where to go..,,all the people come to our class made us more confuse..
..ah all that crap..
..makes me dizzy..
..that also make me forget abt my blog for awhile..
..feels like so long time..
..the hard time in 12th grade still not reach the end.. still in the middle of it..
..still need any hardwork, any effort, any thoughts..
..but i think what i really need now is SPIRIT..
..keep SPIRIT in everything u do guyz (!!)..

xoxo winidepu

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

need privacy..

my life in my house is like an actress with papparazzi always around..
no privacy..
no privacy on everything i do..
no privacy on my things..
i hv to find my own way to create my own privacy..
even in hard way..
but sumtimes it makes me dizzy..
too many things i've to do to find privacy for myself..
i know myb im not mature enough to handle all kind of things..
but as a human im still hv sumthing that i dont wanna share even with FAMILY, rite ??
i need, at least, a little privacy with no hard effort.. 
i need, at least, a freedom to keep or do something just for myself with noone knows.. 
but in m house,,it's hard to find my own privacy..
my sis have IT easily..
my parents have IT easily..
me ??
better dont ask..
dont u all agree that i need, even just a little, PRIVACY ????
i agree (!!)

by winidepu ^^

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

alone lonely..

do you ever feel like when u in the crowd with people u knows but u still feel so lonely ?? ..
if u ever feel like that dont be frustrated..
the one who feels like that not only u..
so u're NOT WEIRD..
u're NOT FREAK..
that's normal..
sometimes that feeling will come..
idk where's the prblm come frm ..
frm the people out there..
or frm ourself..
but we must realize something..
that we're not alone..
and i hv faith in that..
u shud hv it too..

xoxo winidepu ^^

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

ghost girl

ghost girl - homecoming is the last book i read..
take a look guyz..
i like this two books..
the story's not too corny or cheesy..
and sweet in the end..
it recommended frm me..

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

true love for urself..

..hey guyz..
..people of planet Mars especially..
..what kind of girl that u would like as ur girlfriend, usually ?? ..
..most of my friend like a really cute girl..
..someone that so naive even childish..
..naive girl is like the most wanted girlfriend for them..
..if its not a naive girl,,that can be a girly-girl..
..thats juz my thought,,but is that true ?? ..
..i dont have much experience in this kind of things.. not that kind of girl i mention above.. NOT that naive.. NOT a girly-girl.. NOT that childish too.. there someone who'll like me ?? ..
..i have faith..
..a faith in true love..
..true love that will accept any weakness without exception..
..true love that will accept me for who i really am..
..that man will come into my life and make my life more worth it..
..if u still dont get it until now,,dont be desperate..
..i believe that there's someone out there who's still waiting for our presence..
..there's still one for each of us..
..its juz problem of time..
..and how we give effort to find our true love..
..i will find it,,so do you..
rite ??

jane a.k.a winidepu

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

signature analyzer ?? this few days theres educational exhibition..
..theres 2 big exhibition frm UKP n UBAYA..'s UBAYA's turned..
..many kind of faculties there..
..between all that faculties psychology faculty is the most crowded booth..
..idk what so interesting abt that faculty that makes that booth so crowded.. n my friend r so curious abt that.. we got through the crowd n understand why it happen suddenly..
..theres a woman at that booth who can analyze a person frm their signature..
..everyone wanna try.. either..
..after queue in some minute i got my turn..
..i sign, she analyze..
..and she said,"have u ever think that ur childhood is ur happy time ??".. a second i think im gonna say "yes"..
..but the fact is,,im just say "mm..not too bad"..
..she thinking again and said,"u still wanna have fun, u still love do something fun n dislike a complicated thing".. just nodding n nodding cz thats all TRUE..
..we must have fun with all we did, rite ?? ..
..without fun all we did will be so boring n feels so difficult..
..she said again,"but thats all must be minimalized cz ur age is old enough n u cant just have fun, give effort in everything u do especially in this university life"..
..i got it..
..this life is not all filled with "have fun"..
..sumtimes we gonna face some serious problems that cant be solved instantly..
..we must put so much efforts in that before it solved..
..but after all having fun is still needed..
..that's a basic need..
LOL fun fun..
..have fun people so u're not gonna be frustated..

xoxo winidepu