Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

my opini0n..

..MKM was done today..
..i think it's not 2 bad..
..sumthin' good..
..but sumthin' else was bad..
..really bad..
..the decoration was not 2 much..
..go in there like go to a cinema..
..dark n bright sumtimes.. n my friend, jeslyn, make a list how many show was good..
..n what we got,, we just got three..
..the first was duet piano..
..that was better than one before them..
..second was dance show from my class!! wasn't because they're from my class..
..they sure really good n cool..
..congrats 4 all of u guys!!
..and the last of our list was the show from one of my teacher..
..his voice is good and he really could get the attention from all students..
..hmm.. sad that i must go home early coz i must home with my friend..
..but over all..
..i can say that im not get a big regret for coming there..


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