Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

myb this just my 'night sick'

have u ever felt like u dont know how ur life must be??
like u dont know how to live ur life?
like u dont know what the real aim of ur life??
like u feel nothing special in ur life??
like u bored with everything happened around u??
do u ever feel like u dont know what to achieved?

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

the invitation

check out this cute invitation that my parents got

cute, huh ??
this show me how beautiful a marriage must be

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011


the current thing is that i can tell is that i'm teaching now.
for who?
for junior high students.
since the end of september it is.
it is fun?
the fact that i have to study again for junior high materials. 
but still fun to see how that kids 4-5 years under my age act.
some are easy but some aren't.
but i think i have to manage my time well to work n study well.
since that midtest is around here.
wishme for the best, will u ??
oh n wish me for i can drive my own car pretty soon.
so it wont be hard to go anywhere by myself, isnt it ?
so thats all from now.
ciao ^.^