Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

people change

looking back,,i realize that people change as they still living this world. 
their perspective, habits, attitude, what they like. 
so people change.
so do i.
are u ??
we meet so many kind of people with different characters.
we experience so many things n problems.
we see so many things.
we understand so many new things. 
that all can change us. 
our perspective, habits, attitude.
but that change can be negative or positive.
but i hope every little things that change will go to the positive ways.
so how's yours people ??
are u changing or still the same person as before ??

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Petra Christian University : Hospitality Management 2011

welcome to the university life, Jane !!
i did the orientation for hospitality management at 12 - 19 july.
so many people gathered around the university on that date.
it's about 2000 people.
crazy !!
i feel so exciting the day before the orientation.
meeting new people, having new friends, many activities, i think that must be so much fun.
n i'm right. 
i got my group, name CLEAN CITRINE.
this is some of us !!
exciting to meet the members also the frontline or tutors.
we also got good tutors, they're Veronica Amanda Kusumawidjaya and Neria Gresia Sugianto.
they're fun!!
the group also FUN!!
so the orientation was done n the real university life will begin.
study study study till i become 'a person'.
this 4 years must really means something n can make me become the real 'person'.
fighting for every new colleger this year !!

xoxo winidepu